Breast augmentation with implants is performed to enhance the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts. Breast implants are long-lasting, durable devices and most women remain pleased with them for many years.
Eventually, however, breast implants will reach the end of their life and require additional attention. Breast implant removal is ideal for women who are unhappy with the aesthetic of their breast implants, experience implant-related complications, or no longer wish to have augmented breasts.
Benefits of Breast Implant Removal
- Aesthetic correction of aged implants
- Restoration of breast comfort
- Return of breast symmetry
- Relief from fear of long-term risk
Breast Implant Removal Candidates
Good candidates for breast implant removal are non-smoking individuals that are in good general health, have realistic expectations of their results, and are unhappy with their breast implants. Breast implant removal addresses discontent due to aesthetic and physical concerns.
Implant Complications
Implant complications like capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant displacement are common reasons for patients to consider breast implant removal. These complications can occur naturally when an implant reaches the end of its lifespan, or they can happen prematurely because of trauma or your body’s response to the implant.
Aesthetic Concerns
Techniques and materials used during augmentation surgery are always changing and improving. Breast implant removal may be performed because implants were inserted with outdated techniques and have lost their pleasing aesthetic, or because the patient wishes to return to a natural breast.
Long-term Fear
While not as common, some women choose to part ways with their implants due to fear of the implant’s long-term safety. Breast implant illness is not an official medical diagnosis; it is the name given to an unexplainable set of health complications like fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and muscle weakness. Some women feel their side effects diminish after the implants are removed; however, no connection to breast implants has been proven.
Breast Implant Removal Procedure
Breast implant removal is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. This ensures that the patient experiences no pain or stress during the surgery and can immediately begin a healthy recovery period.
The incision is created along the inframammary fold (breast crease) through which the damaged or unwanted implant is removed. For women who underwent augmentation with the inframammary incision, the same incision will be utilized to minimize post-surgical scarring.
If necessary, any scar tissue or loose silicone gel is removed, and the breast pocket is cleaned. The incisions are closed with sutures.
The cost of your breast implant removal will be dependent on the techniques used by Dr. Rossi and the extent of the procedure. Additional cost factors include anesthesia, facility fees, surgical fees, pre-surgical tests, and post-surgical dressings and medications.
Combination Procedures
Breast implant removal is designed for women who want to part ways with their implants due to aesthetic concerns or physical and emotional discomfort. While some women find satisfaction from the removal of the implant, others require or desire additional correction.
Breast Revision
Following the removal of a damaged or aesthetically displeasing implant, women can replace their breast implants with implant revision. Breast revision inserts a new implant into the existing breast pocket to restore fullness and an augmented shape. Identical implants can be used, or implants can be adjusted in size, material, or shape.
Breast Lift
The permanent removal of an implant can result in premature sagging of the breast. This is more likely with heavy implants or implants that were in the chest for many years. Breast lift surgery raises the breast, tightens the tissues, and restores a youthful breast contour.
Breast Implant Removal Recovery
Your recovery period will be similar to that of your initial augmentation. Your chest will be wrapped in a compression garment that will reduce swelling, promote circulation, and help your breasts heal in the correct position. This garment will be worn for several weeks.
Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are expected following your breast implant removal. The swelling and pain can be minimized with prescription medication, over-the-counter pain medication like TYLENOL®, cold compresses, and rest. Most of the discomfort lessens after the first 24 to 48 hours.
Potential Risks and Complications
Breast implant removal is a straightforward procedure that comes with minimal risk or potential for lasting side effects. While rare, complications are possible. These include:
- Adverse reaction to anesthesia
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Changes in skin or nipple sensation
- Prolonged healing
- Unfavorable scarring
Breast Implant Removal Results
The aesthetic results of your breast implant removal will show immediately following the surgery, but it may take several weeks or months for your final breast appearance to take form. Scarring will likely develop at the incision site, but this scar will fade with time and can be easily hidden with bras or bathing suits.
The youthful appearance of your breasts following your implant removal will last for several years. Natural breast changes and aging will continue to occur, and women will eventually experience sagging regardless of whether a breast surgery was performed. Weight fluctuations, pregnancies, and unhealthy lifestyles expedite this process.